If I’m not mistaken, this is my 103rd blog where I try to explain, hopefully definitively, how to calculate the time of your return, solar or lunar, in your own country or abroad.
I’m not asking you to apply yourselves and try to understand the difference between Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time, Greenwich Mean Time, Local Time, a country’s Daylight Saving Time, a wartime, a dual wartime, and so on. No, but I would like you to fix very few “ABSOLUTE” steps, really easy to apply and which will allow you, even when I’m gone, not to make a big mistake in this very important monthly or annual appointment.
So, let’s refer to what is written under the return graph of www.MyAstral.org and assume that the writing is:
10 August 2023, at 22.45 GMT
Now I will show you a procedure which, although it is formally incorrect, will make you stay at your destination on the exact day and time you need.
So let’s say, even if it is not so, that those 22.45 refer to London time, to be corrected as follows:
- A) If we are in winter, actually those are 10.45 pm in London.
- B) If we are in summer, i.e. when Daylight Saving Time is applied in all countries of the world, to obtain London time, we must add one hour and therefore the moment of our return corresponds to 22.45+1=23.45. This is London Time corrected to Daylight Saving Time.
At this point I could suggest different Internet sites, but I suggest only one:
You ask this site:
– What is the exact time in London? (at any time of the day).
– Then you will ask for the location where you will be, for example New York.
The second result, as you can see, will show you 5 hours behind and, therefore, for our example, we will have:
23.45-5= 18.45, which is the time of your Solar Return or Lunar Return, in New York, if you have to spend your return there.
Instead, let’s say you’re in Valencia, Spain. You will always ask the same two questions to the site:
For London, in our specific example, it will give you 23.45 and for Valencia it will indicate 00.45 (but on the August 11th and not 10!!), i.e. the same time as in Italy, France, Germany…
Of course, because here we are applying geographical and political conventions and it does not matter if, longitudinally, Valencia is located west of London and we consider it as if it were in Central Europe, almost in Poland…
Proceeding like this, you will be able to calculate each return hour, in a very precise way, even when you will no longer be able to send me emails…
Hello Ciro, I have 2 question: one technical about MyAstral, the other about RL:
1) When I search for RS/RL’s locations sometimes I do not see some location listed in the results, even though none of the major rules are broken (no sun/stellium/mars/asc in 1 6 12, etc.).
Do the locations not appear since they broke other more complex rules like those of the aspects (11 and 12th rule) or is just a software bug?
2) I saw your post about the negativity of Saturn in 10 in RS, but what about in RL?
I know that RLs are just modulations of the RS graph, but what is better? A Sun+Mars in 7th or a Saturn in 10th of RL? (Supposing everything else the same).
Best regards,
Andrea S
Hi Andrea. Regarding the first question, the answer, since I don’t know there are currently any bugs to fix, could be much simpler.
Let’s take an example. Let’s say you choose “Money Low” as a target and let’s assume that in the whole world there are no places where the Sun or Venus or Mars or Jupiter… fall in the second or eighth House, obviously MyAstral doesn’t offer you any airport in response to the query. And why should he do it?
As for the second question “In a LR, is it better to put Mars in seventh or Saturn in tenth?”, here I could – in turn – ask you a question: “Is it better to break a leg or an arm?”
Or: “Is it better to suffer personal violence or lose your job?”
And of course the questions could be a thousand and not just two.
Reality is never just black or white, seventh House or tenth House, and for this reason I have published over thirty books to try and suggest the best ways to use Active Astrology as a way of life.
Best wishes.
Dear Ciro, after the RSM in McBride BC Canada I would like to do my firt RLM. Thanks to the easy-to-use functionalities of my astral I’ve selected two possible locations in order to activate the RSM and unleash its power. The short list includes Nice (France) to place Jupiter at the ASC or Padua (Italy) to have many planets on cusps and Jupiter in XII – Gauquelin’s zone. What do you reckon which one is best? Thanks in advance. Andrea born 17/7/71 in Piacenza at 10.50 am
Hello, Andrea C. I assume you are referring to your August ALR (I assume so, but you don’t write it). Both in the one you hypothesize in Nice and in the other one you plan for Padua, important rules are violated among the 34 such as leaving many stars between the 12th and the 1st House. Sometimes I do this because it’s impossible for me to make 13 transcontinental voyages a year for the ALR’s and one for the ASR, but I don’t want this to be read as a new rule: this is not rule #35. So powerfully violating the 34 rules, then it’s not so important if you put Jupiter close to the Ascendant or Venus in the fifth house cusp. If, on the other hand, you want to do this for study, then one is as good as the other…
Yes I forgot to mention it is for the upcoming August ALR. Thanks for your feedback, the opinion of the expert is always welcome. Regards;
Dear Master,
I am currently in Tromsø to accompany my husband for his Solar Revolution (9 stars)
I did my SR (9 stars) in February 2023
Can you enlighten me on the fact that despite my 9 stars I had a fall yesterday and went to the hospital (but nothing broken.. muscle tear) You told me that transits were worthless with a good SR.
Dominique Juliette Teissier 02/21/59
7:40 a.m.
Sorgues 84 France
Dear Dominique Juliette, where did you spend your 2023 birthday?
SR February 2023 Jérusalem
Yes, I confirm that in Jerusalem you managed to implement a powerful protection for your health, causing Venus and Jupiter to fall into the sixth House. However, we must never think that the protections deriving from an Aimed Solar Return can be “total”.
In your case, an Ascendant in the eighth House and the double position of Saturn and Pluto in the fourth House could also correspond to a period of blockage at home due to a broken bone. But if you didn’t suffer any fractures as a result of your fall, then it’s even better.
Best wishes.
Good morning maestro,
I have a question about your experience as an astrologer, but calling it ‘experience’ seems very reductive to me (I think it would be better to say ‘life as an astrologer’, you will tell me). On average, when a seeker starts practising ASR and active astrology seriously and rigorously, how long can he or she take to change his or her life, or more simply find serenity and stability? A five-year period or more ? Each case is unique of course, however I am curious to ask if you have noticed a trend with people who scrupulously follow AA. Thank you 🙂
Yes, Margherita, in my experience all those who have seriously put into practice the rules of Active Astrology, starting for real Aimed Solar Returns every year and fully applying the rules of exorcising the symbols, in a period of five years have obtained great results which they then hardly lost in the following years.
Thank you, Ciro. That’s really encouraging! Hope other people will read this content 🙂
Dear ciro, my questions:
1. I read that my astral removes stars if there is Neptune and Saturn in the 5th house of revolution, does this also apply to Uranus and Pluto in the 5th?
1. How many star points are needed to have benefits in a sector?
2. Do many bad lunar revolutions with values of 1/12/6 ruin a year with a good revolution?
3. To maintain the love relationship with the same person over the years, which positions of revolution to use? Should we use even more rigid configurations? For example: Pluto, Uranus, Neptune in 5 would be allowed positions but if I have love as my goal should I remove them?
4. Can negative slow transits to Venus and Mars ruin a beautiful revolution for love or just those in the sun?
Hello Eeisisisksjsjs,
and well arrived.
I understand that you would like exhaustive answers to allow you to skip, in one fell swoop, over 140 books to study, but it can’t work like that.
So I’ll start with a first answer: to get 1 star in a specific target, the presence of the Sun in the house that concerns that target may also suffice. Each positive star adds stars and each star considered “malefic” subtracts stars.
In this blog you can find answers explaining this, but you cannot find the entire MyAstral “source code”.
For other questions, so that other visitors to this space can also benefit from the answers, do not keep it generic, but always ask exact questions, with precise birth data.
Good day.
Thanks, I understand
i have noticed my astral uses the 5th house more for conception than love/relationships
what do you think is the best first choice for love between 5 and 7 in revolution?
MyAstral uses both the 5th and the VII House (remember that the four cardinal Houses must be written with Roman numerals). Naturally that extraordinary tool which is the MyAstral search engine, offers you many solutions and it is only from the joint action of this exceptional IT tool with the mind of a good astrologer that very winning solutions can come out. In this case we have to think of it as the action of a very good architect who is designing the next year of life for a human being. Both of these two Houses can give us excellent results to start or to improve a love relationship, but whoever has learned the principles of Active Astrology well knows that it is the wise use of combinations for two or three and the equally wise use of cusps that can make us plan a love strategy as if it were a “battle” in the mind of Napoleon Bonaparte who was truly a great strategist. For example, if I can choose, I will go to prefer either the fifth House or the seventh if, together with it, I will also put the second and the tenth into play. Why the second? Because the second offers us greater visibility and it is often essential to have greater visibility for a year: others see us and therefore can also choose us… And why the tenth House? Because the tithe makes us grow, it gives us extraordinary life upgrades! But at the same time we must never waste Jupiter or Venus by placing them at the center of a House: our goal must always be to “double the results we want to bring home”! Better, a hundred times, a Jupiter on the fifth/sixth cusp than a Jupiter simply on the fifth. In the same way, if we place a Venus in the seventh/eighth cusp, we favor twice the possibility of starting a love relationship because Venus in the eighth House often also means a lot of sex… Remember: good astrologers are, first of all, one-year architects…
Do you also consider Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to be malefic planets?
Yes, to simplify I consider them “evil”.
what do you mean in your book by saying that the ascendant can be even one degree away from a cusp while sun/mars is 3/4 degrees away from the cusp?
if Uranus is in the 5th house of revolution together with Venus or Jupiter in the 5th
Is Uranus going in a beneficial or a pejorative direction?
Thanks ❤️
Good morning, Edo.
Your message is not clear to me: are you talking about my book, which one? I have published over 140 books and many of them exceed 500, 600, 800 and even 1200 pages: which specific paragraph and which book are you referring to?
However, generally speaking, yes, the Ascendant can also be found 1 degree away from a cusp; but it can also be at 0° or at 2°, 3°, 4°…
And a Sun/Mars conjunction can also be at any distance from a cusp.
If Uranus is in the fifth House of SR, it can amplify the positive effect of these stars (Venus or Jupiter) in the House of love, for example by means of a “twist” such as an unexpected pregnancy followed by a wedding… But, of course, every case must be analyzed separately and for this reason the wonderful MyAstral search engine cannot be used by a mechanic and must be interrogated by an astrologer…
Thanks Ciro
on page 32 of transits and solar revolutions, it is written that for the ascendant it is sufficient to be even one degree away from a dangerous cusp, while for the sun or Mars it is necessary to be 3/4 degrees away from a dangerous cusp
I don’t understand what you mean as there is also a 2.5 degree rule
So, Edo, there are 3 different editions in Italian of my book “Transiti e Rivoluzioni Solari”, then there are two in English, one in French, one in German, one in Spanish, one in Russian… In any of the editions in my possession (unfortunately some of my students are kleptomaniacs) there is not this sentence, at least as you write it, but I think I understand what you are referring to: the fact that the imperfect knowledge of a time of birth, within an ASR , is much more dangerous if we refer, for example, to the Sun or Mars which are, for example, two degrees higher than the cusp of the 12th House rather than if we consider the AS ratio of Solar Return with respect to the radix Houses.
But this is obvious! If we have the Sun in the 11th House, two degrees above the 12th cusp and the subject was born 7-8 minutes earlier than he thinks, then that Sun will end up in the 12th House…
Instead, if we have the AS of Solar Return 2° above the cusp of the 12th House and the subject was born 7-8 minutes earlier, most likely none of this will happen because when the Houses of the Solar Return change (and therefore also of the Ascendant) the Houses of birth will also change “proportionately” and therefore the delta, i.e. the distance between the AS of SR and the cusp of the 12th House of birth, will remain almost identical.
thanks for the clarifications
in the RS do the governors of the natal chart count for anything?
example, if a subject has Pluto in 5 in the natal chart, and in the solar revolution of the year he has Pluto in 9, can it mean loves abroad?
Good morning, Edo. In Astrology, which is based on symbols, everything counts, but the “dilutions of meanings” you mention, must be read long after the comma, in the universe of the “impalpable”, and, instead, it is wise to stick to the PILLARS fundamentals of reading an Aimed Solar Return.
thanks you were very clear 🙏
Have you always said that good lunars don’t improve a bad solar, but a year with a good solar return and many bad lunars in 6/1/12 is ruined?
It is disturbed, not spoiled.
but can it prevent the beneficial jokers (Jupiter and Venus) from fully manifesting or no?
Yes, this is possible.
My mother’s birthday is October 30, 1942 at 2:15am in Shanghai, China. I selected Tbilisi, Georgia for her ASR this upcoming birthday. Is this a good place for her health or would you recommend another place?
Whitney, if you think about it, the answer to your question is simple: by inserting your mother’s birth data into the MyAstral search engine and searching for “Wellness”, the city of Tblisi in Georgia does not appear in the list of answers suggested by MyAstral and therefore this means that this choice is not good for her health. I remind you that this space is not intended for consultations, but it is a support for the use of MyAstral.
Best wishes.