The MyAstral’s blog
by Ciro Discepolo

Why in Dubai? Because the Western Astrology we are dealing with, even today, was born here, in Mesopotamia and in the neighboring territories.

Blog articles


As we wanted to demonstrate. Last January 15th, on Facebook, on Instagram and then on my blogs and on my YouTube channel I predicted, without the possibility of error, the confirmation of their life sentence. And I was also certain that it would arrive within a few...

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The Erba Massacre

The Erba Massacre, Astrology & Criminology 18, by Ciro Discepolo and Daniela Discepolo Boscotrecase: Over two hours of recording relating to the massacre in the small town near Lake Como, a massacre which took place on...

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Alessia Pifferi

Qui di seguito uno dei capitoli, in anteprima, del mio libro in lavorazione e che avrà per titolo “Delitti&Delitti II” Qual è il livello di intelligenza di Alessia Pifferi?   Una delle cose che stanno appassionando di più gl’italiani, in queste settimane, è...

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L’ASTROLOGIA DEVE FARE PREVISIONI         André Barbault lo ha sempre raccomandato – e personalmente l’ho sempre sottoscritto al 110% – che l’Astrologia non solo può fare previsioni, ma DEVE farle. Purtroppo molti astrologi finti, perfino tra...

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The Asters Are Not Water

Per la serie gli astri non sono acqua…   Pur senza negare la grande importanza, a livello predittivo, di mix investigativi che abbiano, alla loro base, incroci tra l’astrologia esoterica, quella reincarnazionista e spirituale, l’altra di matrice siderale e...

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The massacre of Palermo

Many of us are following the news of this horrible massacre that occurred in Altavilla Milicia, in the province of Palermo. From the latest statements of the lawyers of the accused, there would already be a total exchange of accusations between Giovanni Barreca and...

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The My Astral’s blog
by Ciro Discepolo

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