I had already written, eleven years ago, in a blog (http://cirodiscepolo.blogspot.com/2011/04/la-bella-favoletta-di-william-e-kate.html ) about the relationship and marriage of the prince William of England with Lady Kate Middleton, and I like to come back today in the aftermath of the grave mourning that has struck the British kingdom, but which also marked a public match between the two currently in strong tension between them.
Here is what I wrote:
I remember, as if it were yesterday, when Giuseppe Botteri asked me to do the same for ASTRA, commenting on Carlo’s wedding with Lady Diana. It was a very popular writing of mine that caused quite a stir because going against the tide of the beautiful fairy tale that no one wanted to be ruined in the collective imagination, I wrote, very clearly, that I saw the thing in black hues.
We come to today’s wedding. I heard, on TV, the other fairy tale that William was given birth at a time that did not disturb a cricket match (?) that Prince Charles wanted to follow: lies, lies, lies …
If this horoscope was not designed by an astrologer to “shape” a future king, then I am a shoemaker.
Jupiter in the Midheaven in the perfect Gauquelin area, being careful not to drop the AS in Capricorn and the Sun in the sixth. From all sides it is clear that there is the hand of a good astrologer.
William who want to describe us all as a delicate and sensitive child, is actually a great whorehouse, with his powerful Venus-Taurus-fifth House. This, almost certainly, to compensate for a form of impotence that comes from the close conjunction of Mars-Saturn in Libra. I would like to recall, in this regard, that many forms of male impotence are mistaken, even by good prostitutes by vocation, for sexual exuberance. There are many forms of sexual male impotence and only a few concern the inability to erect. Many others concern premature ejaculation, impotence after penetration, extremely prolonged ejaculation, and so on.
The Sun and the Moon in the seventh, combined with the other elements indicated, make one seriously think about a divorce.
We come to the beautiful Kate. There are two times on the network: 12 noon and 11.15 am. I based myself on 12 because otherwise it would be a sensational case that Jupiter on the Descendant (quite tight): marriage with a very important character.
Kate, with her ambition as an almost pure Capricorn, with the Sun in the tenth, would have married even a cripple, in order to become quasi-queen! But, instead of a cripple, she found a beautiful boy. Unfortunately this will not be enough to pay off the marriage which is immediately seen to be watering from all sides.
You have Jupiter and Uranus in the seventh house: divorce ensured.
Their synastry is very bad: 13 points, very low, aggravated by the fact that William’s Moon is in bad aspect to her Mars. It is as if we were talking about a synastry of 5-6 points out of 40!
Her Mars is truly terrible: in exile, in Libra, and squared to William’s Moon, within a Capricornian structure that will not bear horns of any kind and all this having a whorehouse husband.
The wedding day was chosen, instead, by a dog (which is better than men, but not as an astrologer): the Moon is conjunct Uranus and Venus, exiled in Aries, is opposite to Saturn.
Someone will say, as usual (because he cannot predict), that I am the usual radical: but you don’t need the gypsy to guess how this beautiful tale will end which, for now, is used to anoint millions of pounds to His Majesty’s subjects.
Twelve years later, I confirm practically everything, with small clarifications.
Why is nothing known about William’s “loves”? Meanwhile, as regards the vulnerability to damage caused by the press, we must remember that there are people who are more fortunate and others who are very unfortunate. And the heir to the English throne could belong to the first category, but we also observe that the complete reading of those astral symbols, speaks of a magnificent Venus in the fifth House and in Taurus, but also of a Venus in the fourth (cusp) and that it means: “important love or loves in the second part of life”. So we could find ourselves at the dawn of such a season.
Returning to the William-Kate couple, I repeat that their score, theoretically of 13 points, is enormously impoverished by the close conjunction of the two Mars and by the close square between William’s Moon and Kate’s Mars.
Then there is the “reason of state” which requires both royal spouses to “endure”, in the direction of a prize theoretically one of the most coveted on Earth.
And last but not least, the question mark about Jupiter to the Descendant of the Princess: we have two different birth times to evaluate and, perhaps, the true one is a third time different from the first two.
It is true that strong Jupiter in the Descendant does not only mean a “world marriage” or a “world divorce”, but can also refer to the current war between the two brothers and the two sisters-in-law. We hope, instead, that it has nothing to do with the tendency to suffer serious accidents of displacement reported in the sky of William (Mars-Saturn, tight in Libra, in the ninth House).
This case, in all evidence, is however textbook in relation to my stigmatization on the extraordinary nature of couples made up of “signs of destiny” (or couples of people born three months or six months apart, or after a few days on the calendar. For example, precisely for these two royal couples, Cancer-William-Capricorn-Kate and Scorpio-Harry-Leo-Meghan. The signs of destiny, as the noun says, concern the very important couples, for better or for worse.
In reference, then, to the discourse on the different types of couples according to Verena Kast (https://www.themyastralblog.com/still-on-the-subject-of-the-study-of-couples-in-astrology/ ), direct student of Carl Gustave Jung and training analyst and teacher at the C.G. Jung of Zurich, psychology teacher at the University of Zurich and author of numerous volumes in which she deals with fundamental themes of analytical psychology, the one between William and Kate relives the mythologems of the classic Era and Zeus, based above all on rivalry.
Dear Ciro,
are you really sure you work with the right data of Kate? There’s a birth time of 7:00 pm at astro.com with a rodden rating A. And this chart seems much more to belong to Kate.
Yes, Future.US.88, there are three different birth times for her and I have used this time because it is the most convincing, with Jupiter in Descendant, to describe a woman marrying an English royal prince. Best regards.