Dear Giorgia,
I didn’t vote for You, but I like You very much and I also appreciate many of the things you are trying to achieve, starting with the fight against illegal and uncontrolled immigration.
You have a “ton of Saturn on the Ascendant” and Jupiter in the tenth House: excellent from a human point of view because this gives you an exaggerated sense of duty and also brings you success. The opposite would have been worse.
I will be brief and direct, like You: the stars of Your next birthday are not encouraging and You, recalling the famous Kennedy maxim which I am sure you also made, have the duty, before the right, to defend in every way the mission that it was entrusted to You. I could demonstrate to You that others, before You, have already done so, but by hiding the matter well, and – however – I prefer to speak clearly: it would be much better for You and for Italy if on January 16th (and not the 15th), You were in Bergen, Norway, about 4.21 AM.
The double cusp of Venus and Jupiter would be very helpful for the big job that awaits You. Even if that Uranus gives to You some little alliance or health problems.
With best wishes,
Ciro Discepolo
Thanks for attention Ciro
I read your writing where you talked about making a specific revolution for the consultant who had a transit of Jupiter trine the Sun to exploit this transit
days ago you told me that transits have no weight in revolutions
so was there a moment when you changed your opinion or did I misunderstand?
What you call “changing opinion” is instead called “heuristic growth” in all those disciplines based on thousands and thousands of tests repeated year after year. From what I understand, you have not studied the subject or this school and proceed trying to grasp some “rumors” that are written on the web and not studying my books in depth. If you really, in the future, will be interested in understanding the substance of my school, even if you don’t want to study all the over 140 books I have published, you will have to at least study the 30-40 fundamental and indispensable books that can allow you to understand why after over half a century of studies and practice, above all, I understood that transits can act on a maximum of 10% of what happens to us every year, positively or negatively, given that the birthday sky and the thirteen skies of Lunar Returns decide almost absolutely everything.
Comment *Hallo,
here in Naples we are a little worried about the seismic activity in the Phlegraean area. In your opinion, from an astrological point of view, would it be possible to predict a catastrophic event for an entire city?
Yes, in theory it would be possible, if we knew the birth sky of a city. For Naples it is impossible, while for the State of Israel, for the United States of America, for the New Unified Germany (after the fall of the Wall) this is possible.
I would like to ask you how I can find the ephemeris of 1538 and perhaps if there is something I can consult from previous centuries too.
Thanks always for your availability
On the website you can find the ephemeris of any year.
thanks Ciro, I have read about ten of your books, I often read something without taking into account the date and evolution of your studies or I talk to people who follow you but there are always inaccuracies and this leads me to seek clarification from you
Do you consider the sun in the first house of birth in the birth chart as positive?
if yes, do you have an explanation why the sun in 1 revolution is negative?
and have you come to the conclusion that in a birth chart the planets in the houses matter more (as if it were a revolution) or the aspects between the planets?
All of this is really “basic”, too basic. This space is intended to offer support to those who use this wonderful research tool that is MyAstral to apply the fundamental rules of Active Astrology. For initial literacy I recommend you visit my students’ blogs.
Good night dear Ciro! I would like to ask you a help to choose the best RSM to my mother: 25/11/1939 at Rio de Janeiro, 10:45 am. MyAstral give to me some possible options like Dubai, Doha, Mauritius…but I want to protect her healthy but I do not want to give her problems with the law…cause she has somethings to solve with the Justice. I’ve found a place in Brasil too…the only one, but the Sun is less then 2,5 degrees from the 6° house. Could you give me your opinion, to help me? The place that I found in Brazil is called Humberto de Campos, Maranhão. Best wishes always
Andréa locations with dangerous positions less than 2.5 from a cusp should be discarded. Choose you two or three possible RSMs, write why you are in doubt, and I will give you my advice.
Master the problem is that with Dubai she has Urano and Jupiter in 7° House, with Mars almost conjunct to the Sun in 2° house( asc. 8° house)
At Mauritius Island Uranois at the cuspid of the 8° house and the Ascendent is in 9° house with the same position of the Sun and Mars in 2° house.
At Mumbai – India she has Jupiter, Uranus and the Moon in 7° House always with Sun and Mars in 2° house. She is okay with the Justice for now….and she has to start a new law suit in Brasil….so I am affraid.
Cause the others better places are at Afganistan, Iraq…I can take her there…not safe..she is leder. Help me please
Good night dear Ciro! I would like to ask you a help to choose the best RSM to my mother: 25/11/1939 at Rio de Janeiro, 10:45 am. MyAstral give to me some possible options like Dubai, Doha, Mauritius…but I want to protect her healthy but I do not want to give her problems with the law…cause she has somethings to solve with the Justice. I’ve found a place in Brasil too…the only one, but the Sun is less then 2,5 degrees from the 6° house. Could you give me your opinion, to help me? The place that I found in Brazil is called Humberto de Campos, Maranhão. Best wishes always.
Master the problem is that with Dubai she has Urano and Jupiter in 7° House, with Mars almost conjunct to the Sun in 2° house( asc. 8° house)
At Mauritius Island Uranois at the cuspid of the 8° house and the Ascendent is in 9° house with the same position of the Sun and Mars in 2° house.
At Mumbai – India she has Jupiter, Uranus and the Moon in 7° House always with Sun and Mars in 2° house. She is okay with the Justice for now….and she has to start a new law suit in Brasil….so I am affraid.
Cause the others better places are at Afganistan, Iraq…I can take her there…not safe..she is leder. Help me please.
Andrea, this time I added your mother’s data that you forgot to enter again, but in the future I won’t do it and I will ignore posts without all the birth data of any subject.
So, in relation to your question, the answer is very simple: Mauritius is not good because Venus is very close to the Ascendant and therefore works both in the first house, helping it for Wellness, but it also works in the 12th house and this would lead to she sorrows from the people she loves.
The same goes for Mumbai and therefore the right choice is Dubai. (Good night dear Ciro! I would like to ask you a help to choose the best RSM to my mother: 25/11/1939 at Rio de Janeiro, 10:45 am. MyAstral give to me some possible options like Dubai, Doha, Mauritius…but I want to protect her healthy but I do not want to give her problems with the law…cause she has somethings to solve with the Justice. I’ve found a place in Brasil too…the only one, but the Sun is less then 2,5 degrees from the 6° house. Could you give me your opinion, to help me? The place that I found in Brazil is called Humberto de Campos, Maranhão. Best wishes always.)
Dear Master,
I was born on February 21, 1959 in Sorgues (France) at 7:40 a.m.
For wellness with the help of myastral I chose to carry out my RS February 21, 2024 in Minamidaito (japan).
What do you think?
I thank you for your help and your availability over all these years (and often your humor).
I regret that your latest book is not translated into French.
Beautiful day
Dear Juliette,
when I can, I don’t let Uranus fall into the first House, but this next year will be difficult for many and placing Jupiter at zero degrees away from the Ascendant may be a good solution for you.
Good morning Master,
I have a general elective astrology question. If I have read your book correctly, the essentials are jupiter and/or venus at mc or asc. Sun and moon not afflicted.
The question I have is which moment to choose. I would like to sell my house, without going through agencies. I wonder how to publish the ad. Does the chosen moment, with positive astral values, correspond to the moment when I start writing the ad or to the moment when I finalise the ad on the site by clicking ‘send’? Or neither?
Thank you very much
the right time is when you press “Enter”.
Thank you very much! So I can calmly prepare a test version and navigate through the site without pressing enter, in order not to make mistakes, right?
Of course, you have to study a future graph and the study of this graph will not affect the moment of “baptism”.
Which planet works best for restarting finished loves?
A thousand thanks
read my answers, here, from the last few weeks. There is not a single position to achieve this, but a combination of several positions taken at the same time: for example, a good fifth or a good seventh House, together with a good tenth and greater visibility that can come from a good second House.
I take the liberty of intervening because I have a question regarding love.
In your opinion, is having Jupiter and or Venus (but also Pluto in the first house of rs) absolutely essential for falling in love? I don’t say having an affair, but really falling in love, revolutionising one’s life as Francesco Alberoni said.
Furthermore, in the very few cases I have seen (compared to your infinite experience) I have also noticed that, even for women (for whom ‘by the book’ transits to the Sun, Mars and Venus should be more valid), when there is falling in love the transit of a trans-saturn planet to the Moon intervenes (in my case, specifically, it was Neptune trine my cancer moon + Jupiter and Venus in the 1st hous of rs). I am really curious, in your opinion, what is the trend in this regard? I hope my question meets with your interest!
Margherita, in his important essay (“Innamoramento e Amore”), Francesco Alberoni referred to that special state of a person when two large slices of ham fall on his eyes and, no longer seeing anything, the subject falls madly in love. This condition can be greatly favored by a Jupiter close to the Ascendant in the Solar Return sky because it favors a lowering of our critical sense. When our critical sense is high, it is almost impossible to fall madly in love.
Thank you, Ciro, for this clarification. If I may also ask you for your opinion on a related topic. In his essay, Alberoni speaks at one point of ‘historicisation’, i.e. of the fact that the two lovers during the nascent state of falling in love not only experience deep emotions but also redeem themselves from their own experience, from their own personal history from childhood to the moment of meeting. When I read this, I immediately thought of transits of transaturns to the Moon, which as you taught us lead to revolutions and emotional storms, with both positive and negative aspects. Now, based on what you said about Jupiter to the asc of rs, is this enough, or is this usually signalled by the transit as well?
This is exactly what happened to me: jupiter + venus in 1st of rs, and transiting neptune in trigon to the moon …unfortunately I didn’t know active astrology yet and regret not having done an ASR that year ….
Margherita, in fact you have already answered your question: the transits are the background, the scenario that is behind us. They can potentially produce changes, but it will always and only be the Solar Return that decides whether that potential energy will be put into play or not and this applies, as always, both positively and negatively…
does the bistable effect of Jupiter in the 7th revolution go in only one direction per year (beneficial or negative), or is it a continuous up and down during the same year?
The bistable effect can concern more than one reality, over the course of the year, and can even go in both directions, more than once.
So if, for exemple, one has that year Jupiter in the first house but no transit to the moon or saturn trine moon (which, by the books, makes the person more mature), chances are higher for falling in love (with good ASR), right?
Wanting to simplify things a lot, this is one of the possible hypotheses for the year considered.
Dear Ciro,
One question about Giorgia Meloni. I’ve calculated her SR 2022 in order to understand her great success in politics as first woman being prime minister in Italy. Supposing she were in Rome (I explain for people who will read this topic), we have asc in 12th house two stelliums in 6h et 7h house and uranus on the cusp 10th/11th house. A very rude SR but with Uranus in 10th indicating an upheaval in social status. She also has pluto transiting on her sun (which is trine jupiter in the 10th house of her birth chart), so a very very good transit for her, indicating an empowerement.
Before calculating the rs I had thought, very naively, that she had an ‘atomic sr’ given also the two important transits of Uranus in 10th and Pluto on the sun. Now my question is this. How do you define an atomic sr/asr ? If I understand correctly, it is such when splendid transits, especially in 10th house, are coupled with 10th values in the sr. But then, if we also have negative aspects, will this reality be expressed less?
Have you had cases of excellent asr with excellent transits in 10th house (perhaps in people who have excellent 10a values also)? I imagine this is a very rare case …
Thank you for your attention!
Good morning, Margherita, I don’t know where Giorgia Meloni spent her 2022 birthday: even among her close collaborators there are many of my students… But that’s not the point.
Leaving aside the transits that cannot do anything with respect to the Solar Return, here, however, something is repeated that I already described thirty-forty years ago: when a politician is elected to a very important office, especially if this happens for the first time, we shouldn’t look for a wonderful, but a horrible ASR!
I remember the case many years ago when the deputy Irene Pivetti was elected president of the Chamber of Deputies: I wrote that it would be a terrible year for her and, naturally, I received a lot of criticism…
But a few years later Irene Pivetti, speaking about that important political baptism of hers, said: “It was the worst year of my life! I never slept! I spent my nights learning all the regulations of Parliament. It was a real nightmare!”
Astrology is not difficult: to interpret it well, however, it is necessary to know human nature.
Oh I see, that’s very very interesting, thank you for this enlightening answer:) This proves that what we see in others, is not always the best for them.
So, my I ask you which are the main patterns of an ‘atomic’ solar return ? the 10th house is always involved ?
Could you give an example ?
Thank you
Good morning, Margherita, as you know, I believe that an example is worth more than a thousand words: for this reason my books collect hundreds and hundreds of examples of SRs and LRs, especially in relation to famous people. If you want, study many of my books and you will find many examples.
Yes, Ciro. I read the case of Alberto Tomba in your book, it was incredible. I’m always curious to find new examples !
Good morning master Ciro,
If possible, I would like to ask you something about astrocartography. When I moved abroad from Italy (I have Jupiter conjuct MC, both in 9th and 10th house and mars in the 9h house, so I am fundamentally a saggie), I didn’t know astrology.
Since 2011, I live in a country where I have Pluto exactly conjunt IC in my relocated birth chart … I don’t think it is a good placement, isn’t it? My experience abroad has been quite difficult, even though I had very good things too.
I’d like to move to Italy, but I’m very afraid about the economic situation.
Do you think that my natal Jupiter could help me, if I move back to my birth place ? Soon Uranus will transit my conjunction Jupiter/MC, I think time has come for me to take some risks… Thank you
Good morning, Margherita. I can’t answer you because you didn’t enter your birth details. If you do, please rewrite the question.
In any case, Pluto at FC is not terrible… Consider that I have relocated to Milan where I have exactly Mars at FC: I will probably die in a road accident (as a pedestrian) or during surgery, but that’s fine with me so because the enormous benefits that I am receiving in life from this city are much greater than the price I will have to pay…