I carry on with my work, in case I no longer have to be there, giving some good birthday advice to Daniela, my wife:
2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2025, Sary, Iran
2026, Sidi Ifni, Morocco
2027, Fort Franklin, Canada, YWJ
2028, Wakkanai, Hokkaido
2029, Colombo, Sri Lanka
I hope with all my heart that you live to be a hundred years old
Dominique Juliette
Maestro, grazie mille di tutto 🙂 Ti vogliamo bene 🙂
Hello Ciro,
After much research on MyAstral, I would like to know if Coldfoot Alaska is a favorable location for my SR 2024. I am looking for health for myself, my daughter and my mother and to protect the work sector. Can you enlighten me please? Thank you very much
Virginie (07/17/1977 in Avignon at 00:35)
Virginie, what you ask is not possible because you have not chosen a sector, but you declare that you want to obtain “everything”. This is not possible with Active Astrology: you can try with magic or prayer. The location you indicated is not good because, as I have written in many books, it is not possible to accept solutions where the Houses are less than 6-7 degrees away from each other… Adak in Alaska, on the other hand, can be a good one solution for some of the targets indicated by you.
Dear Maestro Ciro,
I see that in the ASR 2024 for Rio, Daniela will have a beautiful ascendant in the 10th house. If I see correctly at the same time, she will also have two challenging transits (Saturn square to the Moon and Uranus conjunct the mc). Rereading the 3rd Italian edition of ‘Transits and Solar Returns’ (2020, Ricerca 90′ publisher, p. 541-544), you explain well the conditions necessary to make good use of this very special position and that much depends on the experience and ‘flair’ of the astrologer. I have, in this regard, a question. If a person has a beautiful 10th house in the birth chart (with Jupiter and/or Venus, perhaps also conjunct the mc, but obviously not the Sun), in your opinion can one always take a risk in placing the asc in the 10th house even with negative transits? Thanks and good ASRs to Daniela 🙂
Margherita, as I have explained several times, the major discriminant for establishing whether or not it is possible to place an Ascendant in the Tenth, is linked, in addition to the other planetary positions, above all to the work that the subject carries out or to his position in society: if, as I think, Daniela will be a good pensioner and will not indulge in gambling or carrying cocaine, then an Ascendant in the 10th will be OK. In the book I am working on, “Delitti&Delitti”, you will see, however, many cases of important “tenth h”Houses”, probably murderers who, combined with bad positions, such as a Mars in the first or twelfth, destroyed their lives and that of other people.
I’m waiting for this, thank you! When you say”In the book I am working on, “Delitti&Delitti”, you will see, however, many cases of important “tenth h”Houses”, probably murderers who, combined with bad positions, such as a Mars in the first or twelfth, destroyed their lives and that of other people.”, you mean mars in the frits or twelfth house both in birth chart and solar return?
No, I mean in the Houses of Solar and Lunar Returns.