As we wanted to demonstrate.
Last January 15th, on Facebook, on Instagram and then on my blogs and on my YouTube channel I predicted, without the possibility of error, the confirmation of their life sentence. And I was also certain that it would arrive within a few days of my birthday.
THIS YEAR.(2024)
Dear Filippo,
in the times in which we live, with the dizzying increase in serious pathologies, also due to every form of pollution of food, water and air, it is absolutely unthinkable to leave Saturn and Neptune in the twelfth or first House. The solution is Keflavik, Iceland, for sure. Saturn and Neptune in the second House you must necessarily accept them and then think about how to exorcise them. But you can’t choose otherwise.
Maybe also due to an experimental vaxination the whole global population was submitted to, only few years ago.
Enrico, (Rosignano Solvay-Italy, september 7th 1965 h 6.25 am)
Good evening Ciro, I have to ask you a question about the possible correction of my birth time…..
I remind you that from Extract you start at 6.50 am. subsequently rectified a little at a time until 6.25 am.
Based on this time, the Lunar Revolution taken last July 21 would have offered me a nice Jupiter in the sixth sector with Mars at the 0th of the twins (lungs) definitely in the fifth.
Unfortunately in that turn of the Moon I had WHOOPING COUGH which, those who have children know that it is not just any disease …. Not a simple bronchitis…..
Question: do you think that the time of birth should be further adjusted based on the positioning of Mars in the sectors.
I would be grateful if you would give me your opinion on the matter. Thank you.
Good morning Enrico.
Let’s first do a little history on this topic.
There are two of my books entirely dedicated to the correction of the birth time:
– The Correction of the Birth Time, from 1994, impossible to find
– The Protocol for Correction of the Birth Time, 2011, published only in the USA
I included the second book in my “New Treatise on Astrology” which is available in both English and Italian.
I regret to say that in my entire life as an avid reader I have never read anything valid from fellow astrologers on this topic.
As you know, in these two books, I perfected a protocol that is based on the systematic and continuous observation, for at least three years, of the entry of Mars into the Houses, using the concept of “bee sting” with which I believe you can achieve truly surprising results, if you know how to carry out the “interrogation”, even with yourself.
In the past, the one who applied this protocol to the letter was the late colleague Luigi Galli.
Today I couldn’t say.
But I can say what the main mistakes are that are made along this path.
I often read how colleagues continually change their birth time, depending on something unexpected that happens to them from month to month.
In most cases, these are random suggestions that are not included in the protocol and that could not change the time even by twenty or thirty minutes when – let’s say – for two years in a row we are “filing down” a time by five or six minutes of difference compared to the starting value.
I also sometimes read that colleagues who cannot explain an event that is not difficult to understand, immediately jump to the conclusion that it is necessary to change a birth time by a lot or that it is necessary to look for unlikely solutions by looking in the direction of equally unlikely new planets yet to be discovered.
I repeat a basic rule: if for two years, or rather three years, you work to correct two-three minutes on the birth time of a subject, then it becomes improper to jump in one fell swoop by 15-20 minutes compared to the entire previous path.
I am proceeding on the theory and have not gone into the merits of what you wrote.
It should also be remembered that it is highly unlikely that a time indicated at the registry office as 6.50 am, can then become 6.25 am: if the parent was so precise, it is highly unlikely that he declared a wrong birth time by half an hour or so…
After the publication of the two books I mentioned before, I did not stop and I implemented a new way of research to add and not replace the previous one: the use of Aimed Lunar Returns not to correct, during the year, bad ALR’s, but only to understand, every month, by means of movements of a few hundred kilometers, if, for example, Mars, will fall in the eleventh or twelfth House or in the fifth compared to the sixth and so on.
This method, added to the previous one, and which requires great courage on the part of the astrologer, added to the minimum three years of “birth time correction protocol” described in my previous books, can be absolutely decisive in establishing the true birth time of a subject.
Many exercises in this regard, I have not published in a single book and with the title “New Birth Time Correction Protocol”, but in several of my books such as, “50 Aimed Lunar Returns” which not only were not praised by my students, but which suffered the same fate as many of my other works: they were marked by cyanide reviews … for obvious reasons.
Precisely in a book like the one I just mentioned, I explained a very difficult trip of mine, in the far north of Norway, in the middle of winter and in a place that did not even exist on the map, to test, in an almost absolute way, my birth time corrected by me in decades of study, risking for a few minutes of degrees, to take values of the twelfth House that were not there and that confirmed to me, perhaps definitively, after half a century of observations, the correctness of my true birth time …
And so we arrive. To your question.
I could never agree to redo, together with you, the “protocol for correcting your birth time” (because I would have to abandon almost everything else I am working on), but, answering directly to what you ask me, I will tell you where I would start: I would ask myself if the whooping cough you contracted did not come from an infection contracted during sexual intercourse (also, possibly, from a cough).
Best wishes.
Good morning, Ciro!
I would really like to have your opinion on a doubt that is plaguing me: blinded by the idea of placing Venus on the sixth/seventh cusp (protected health and perhaps the conclusion of an inheritance lawsuit on my advantage), I thought of doing this very next RSM in Chile, in Santiago or Valparaiso. Now that the date is approaching, I fear more and more that this choice could be a hammer on my feet because I place Saturn in the tenth… which worries me more than anything about a possible loss of emancipation. If I try to remove the Saturn of the tenth (how wise is it to put it in the ninth when I make trips of 2,300kms, 4 times a year by car???… and also because then Saturn would be 9° from the MC) and, obviously , I lose Venus in the seventh; But at least in Curitiba (Paranà, Brazil) I can have Venus in the fifth/sixth cusp… even if it doesn’t appeal to me at all to place Uranus in the twelve house. Looking for other solutions, Cypro tempts me to have Jupiter in the tenth (even if I can’t place it very conjunct to the MC because otherwise the Sun goes in the first) but in this way, in addition to not protecting my health, I place Saturn in the sixth.
I went so far as to evaluate Ohonua (Tonga) to place Venus at the MC… but then Saturn is in the first, Pluto in the twelve and, sigh!, Mars too close to the sixth… and I really don’t like it. Or Hao Island (French Polinesia) where i’ll have Venus and Mercury in the eighth and the sun in the seventh, but Saturn in the twelve, Neptune in the first and, above all, Mars in the fourth, make me discard it. Continuing to ask me, Master, what choice you would make and, above all, how you would see Saturn in the tenth of the first option, here I am asking your opinion. I was born in Lisboa (PT) on 11/10/1963 at 07:10am. Trusting in a your kindly response, I greet you affectionately. Ana
Good morning, Ana.
Your situation is complex because you would like to solve a big problem (the legal one), but you also realize that you would risk a lot by implementing dangerous solutions like the ones you mentioned.
I strongly advise you not to take Saturn in the 10th into consideration: I have avoided it all my life, but I have seen the results of inexperienced people who have prescribed it to themselves…
Not even talking about Uranus or Saturn in the 1st, 6th and 12th House.
So, in the end, the solution is very simple and it is the same one I chose when I went to the Brazilian jungle, but for you it will be much easier: Pretoria, South Africa.
You will penalize the law with Saturn and Neptune in the 7th and with Mars in the 11th, but everything else, starting with Jupiter in conjunction with the MC, is OK.
In addition, a bad 7th does not automatically mean losing a match in court: you could work very hard to delay a sentence, for at least a year. Or you could come to an agreement with the other party and pay only a part of the price that the stars ask you to pay.
In my opinion this is the best solution since it also avoids the Sun in the first and Pluto in the sixth.
Best wishes.
Good evening, Maestro.
First of all, thank you very much for your help and for the suggestion of Pretoria. In your answer you write that, in Pretoria, Jupiter is conjunct the MC. For my values the MC is at 12°38 and Jupiter at 21°20 (can I ask you to confirm these values?). Do you consider it conjunct up to 10°? Because I have been following your maxim of the closest possible conjunctions for a long time. And if this data is correct, it could be worth aiming for Lusaka (provided that Zambia is not a dangerous destination… do you know if it is?), more than anything else to distance Pluto of the sixth house a little more? Or is Pluto not included in the risky planets in the sixth?
And if I may ask you another question, I would like to ask you if you have always strongly advised against Saturn in the sixth… or if this depends on the age of the subject in question or in something else.
Extremely grateful for a kind reply, I send you my affectionate greetings *
Ana, first of all I would like to remind you that this is not a private chat between me and you, but a consulting service that should interest everyone. For this reason, you cannot, writing days after the first time, draft a syntax as if we were talking on the phone and a few seconds after the first phone call: it is necessary that in each post you enter your precise birth data, with time and place of birth and the locations that I suggested or that I did not suggest. For this time, but only for this time, I will let your post pass as it is. In the future it will no longer be possible.
And now let’s get to what you ask me.
If we were talking about a Neptune-Pluto conjunction, then, obviously, it could not exceed 1°: I know that there are self-styled astrologers who consider Pluto transits even with 15° of orbit, but those are fake astrologers, astrologers who self-certify, who also have supporters among real astrologers, but they can be anything but not astrologers.
In your case, we are not talking about a conjunction of Jupiter to another star, but to one of the two most important points in the sky: the Ascendant or the Midheaven.
In this case, and only in this case, as demonstrated by the research of the Gauquelins, a conjunction is possible even at 13-15° of distance. I usually try to put it at 0° of distance, but when this is not possible, I am also satisfied with 6-7 degrees.
And this is exactly your case.
Going to Lusaka wouldn’t change anything: only the danger of the trip would change, compared to one of the 4 capitals of South Africa.
Finally, you ask me about Saturn in the sixth House: yes, twenty or thirty years ago I would have let you pass, but today that you are no longer twenty and when the pollution of the planet has grown frighteningly, I strongly advise against it.
Best wishes,
Ciro Discepolo
Maestro, posso chiedere un consiglio per la Rsm di mio figlio, che questo anno ha solo 2 opzioni? 1) Isola di Pasqua, con Saturno a 8 gradi a dx del MC e Urano in 12.
2) Cina e dintorni, con marte in settima, saturno in seconda e , soprattutto, ascendente in decima, in un anno che vedrà nei transiti il sesquiquadrato di Urano a luna e ascendente e il sesquiquadrato di Saturno al sole.
Mi confermi che i transiti negativi rendono improponibile la Rsm con ascendente in decima e, quindi, bisogna accettare il Saturno al MC ?
Grazie per tutto quello che fai per noi.
Good morning, Beatrice. If you want, you can post your question in English, inserting all the precise data of your son’s birth: day, month, year, time and place of birth.
Maestro, can I ask for advice for my sons’ Asr, since this year he only has two options? He was born on 05 november 1997 at 15,39 in Tolmezzo, Italy.
The options are: 1) Easter island, where Saturn is 8 degrees from the MC, on the right, and Uranus is in the12th house.
2) China, where Mars is in the 7th, Saturn in the 2nd and the ascendant in the 10th house, in a year where he will have an Uranus transit sesquiquadrate his moon and ascendent and a Saturn transit sesquiquadrate his Sun.
Are you able to confirm that the negative transits rule out the Asr with ascendant in the 10th house and that, therefore, we have to accept Saturn on the MC?
Thank you for all you do for us.
Dear Beatrice, I think that the second alternative is better for your son, for example in JINZHOU, LIAONING PROVINCE (CHINA). The dangers of placing the AS of SR in the X House at the same time as bad transits on the Sun are mainly related to the work that is done. I would like to point out that in the third Italian edition of “Transiti e Rivoluzioni Solari” I have dedicated new pages to this specific topic.
Best wishes.
Comment *buongiorno signor discepolo mi chiamo rolando le chiedo in una rivoluzione solare con valori di dodicesima e prima con un transito di saturno su marte e saturno in prima casa quanto può mitigare la situazione un giove nella prima casa di rs La ringrazio per una eventuale risposta se e quando avrà tempo Sono nato a montebelluna il 22/02/1966 ore 7 mattina
Good evening, Rolando, if you want, write your question in English and I will try to answer you, but enter your complete birth data and indicate exactly which positions you are writing about, even better if you say which ASR you are referring to: for which year and for which city.
good morning mister disciple my name is rolando born in montebelluna on 02/22/1966 at 7 am I ask you a question regarding the position of Jupiter in the solar revolution I passed the rs in treviso on 02/22/2024 with an ascendant in the first house I accumulate in the twelfth and eleventh In addition to this I am going through the transit of Saturn in the first house conjunct natal Mars and Saturn Jupiter is placed in the first house of rs I would like to know how much it can influence in the general context whether it can be a valid support or not Thank you for any response if and when he has time
Good morning, Rolando. In one of my books on this topic, “Transits and Solar Returns”, there are 34 basic rules that help you read an SR or LR. By triggering a stellium between the 12th and the first House, you have violated one of the main 34 rules and unfortunately the position of Jupiter that you are indicating could have the same effect as a plaster on the skin of a person who has been run over from a truck. Try to do better next time.
Dear Ciro,
I am calculating my solar return for 17.12.1964, Rimini, 16.37. This year I think it is the most difficult year in 20 years of solar returns (my first solar return dates of 2004!)
Thanks to Myastral I have found different options although none is convincing me totally. An intriguing option is in Asia (Kuala Lumpur or around), where I have the ascendant in the 10th house and sun in 10. Definitely a promising year. There is also a good position of Venus and Pluto in the 11th which means protection also with respect to the law. However the price of all of it, is saturn in the 12 (at 8/10 grades from the ascendant) and neptune in the first house at 3 grades from the ascendant. After so many years I am still struggling with the Gauquelin zones. Could you indicate how many grades we need to keep planets from the ascendant in the first and twelve house? Finally, considering the answer you just gave to Filippo, I guess you would not suggest me to keep saturn in the 12 house also considering that I have no other protection for health. Am I right?
Yes, you are right Vispania: I will never advise you to place Saturn and Neptune between the first, sixth and twelfth Houses. Make me other suggestions.
Hi master
What would be the perfect artificially constructed revolution? Thanks
I meant, if you could move any planet into any house, what would be the best revolution that could be created? Thanks
Jupiter at zero degrees away from the MC. For many things, but not for everything.
Is Jupiter more beneficial to the MC than Venus to the MC? Thanks
Dear Ciro, I was looking for your post about financial crisis in late 1929, but I can’t find it. Could you please link it to me?
Second thing: what is, in your experience, the best solar revolution for money matter? For example, if you could place As, Sun or Venus/Jupiter as you wish, where do you like to place them?
I’ve been studing your book and my past history, I’ve notice some years ago Pluto in my 8 house bring me “big” (for me) money without any particular transit, just in 8 house. Is this just a secondary position or is Pluto in pole position in money matter?
Thanks for your time and dedication to our questions,
Dear Ella,
regarding the first question, my writing can be found here:
(but it wasn’t difficult to find because it is one of my blogs from 2023 and not from 1993 or 1973).
As for your second question: yes, Pluto, as written in my “Transits and Solar Returns” can bring money, under particular conditions. Considering the bistable effect of Jupiter in the second, seventh and eighth Houses, if I wanted to favor a better economic condition, but also much else, I would always try to place, in an ASR or in an ALR, Jupiter very close to the MC and Venus cusp first -second House.
Hi Master, thanks for all. In the web phone view I previously didn’t find the post (I was also looking for different title).
Will be pleasure to read it right now 🙂
hello Master, who do you think will win the American elections? A thousand thanks
Madda, I have already answered the same question, here:
Dear Master,
I was born on February 21, 1959 at 7:40 a.m. in Sorgues France.
When I wanted to buy my plane ticket for my RS 2025 to Kulusuk Groenland, I was warned by the airline that in February there is no guarantee that a plane will take off every fortnight due to the violent polar winds at this time.
We only know it the same day.
Not wanting to find myself stuck at the start, I gave up going to Kulusuk.
After extensive research, I do not have a second option or else Port Hardy ( Canada British Colombia) but Pluto and Mars would be placed in axis III -IX which will be dramatically affected in 2025 in transit.
Can you help me ?
Where should I go ?
I thank you in advance.
Dominique Juliette
Yes, it is true, Dominique Juliette, I have been to Kulusuk three times and once, two years ago, in May, the captain of the Icelandair plane arrived over Kulusuk, coming from Reykjavik, and – due to strong winds – decided not to land and go back home… But there I could take a risk because it was a Lunar Return. You cannot take a risk. I advise you, then, to go to DAVIS INLET, NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR (CANADA), international airport code YDI, where there should be flights every two-three days and where you can get a Jupiter at zero degrees from the Descendant (and therefore with great protection for your health) and without having Mars fall into the eighth House. If you want to understand how to do a search like this using that wonderful computer-mathematical jewel that is MyAstral, launch a new search and ask the software to search for you, for your birthday 2025, all the locations that have a Descendant at 10° in Gemini, with a tolerance of 2°. MyAstral, in a fraction of a second, will propose several alternatives and by displaying them one by one, you will discover that in Newfoundland there is the right one for you! Best wishes.
Oh! Thank you very much dear Master !
hi master, is having a birth chart with stellium in 12 or 6 unlucky like in revolutions?
Yes, almost always, if we do not proceed, strongly, with the exorcising of the symbols.
and why in the birth chart some revolution violations, like the sun in 1 are instead lucky?
Because there is still so much to discover in Astrology.
Hi master, the most likely position of revolution for a person who bought a new car (even quite expensive) is mercury in 3? Thanks
No, it is Jupiter or Venus in the 3rd House. But it could also be Jupiter or Venus close to the Ascendant if the subject is particularly narcissistic and uses this to “show off”.
Dear Cyrus,
I hope you’re fine during this hot summer. Let me write to you about my lunar of August 29, which I am correcting. My data Naples 20.01.1989 19h34 hrs.
(rs 2024 Pottuvil, sri Lanka)
I found a very economical solution for Dublin instead of Naples. It is not the best, with Saturn in the first house, but it seems to me to meet the 34 rules. I have a question about that uranus in the third house : I am in the process of writing an important manuscript. Do you think that uranus could bring harm or maybe innovative ideas in writing, or maybe both ? Also, the lunar for Dublin gives little room for third/ninth house values : do you think it will be a lean month for writing ? For Rome, where I am, I should take Jupiter in the third, but certainly those seventh values and stellium in 1/12 scare me. I spent the lunar of August 2 in Naples and between the heat and being in books, I have to say I am tired (maybe the lunar fifth values of the lunar of the 29th would lighten things up?) Thank you very much, I hope this questions don’t bother you
ps : I had found an alternative with Trømso (jupiter in 3rd asc in 9th, but uranus in 1st and neptune in 12th), but it is expensive.
Translated with (free version)
Dear Margherita,
You will have Uranus in the third House in both the LR of Rome and that of Dublin. However, it’s the last thing I would worry about because a book fails to finish (in that month) even with a serious violation of the 34 rules. In choosing Dublin there are no violations of the 34 rules. Throughout my life, I have always managed to avoid placing Mars in the fifth House, but perhaps in your case it is possible to choose this position and then I would choose the capital of Ireland and not worry in the slightest about Uranus in the third House.
Thank you very much, Ciro.
Concerning mars in the fifth house, I don’t have children nor a partner. So maybe it is ok for my next lunar return, but I know it won’t be easy with Saturn in the first house. You’re absolutely right, as usual !
Hi master
do revolutions also apply to events? (using the starting theme of an event, calculating its solar and lunar revolutions over the years) Thanks
Theoretically yes, but it almost always ends up in philosophy: what does it mean, for example, to do the ASR of a falling in love? It is more logical and simpler to do the ASR of the two partners to understand the evolution of their relationship as a couple.
Hello Master Ciro Discepolo
I was looking for a solution for my next birthday and I saw that Lisbon would not be a wrong location to consider. In your opinion, am I making the wrong assessment? Could there be a more efficient solution Master?
I was born in Tempio Pausania on March 10, 1979, at 08:40 in the morning. Thanks for your availability, Alessandro Cadoni
Alessandro, I had very different birth dates of yours, but perhaps you are two namesakes with similar, but not the same, birth dates.
I don’t recommend Lisbon to you because that ASR would have, in addition to Uranus in the twelfth House, also Saturn in the tenth House and this could make you take a big step backwards in your life. Study alternatives and post here if you want.
Dear Master
I have been using this timetable that I indicated to you for years, so don’t worry, it is tested and verified, it comes from my municipality of birth. Having said that, I have a lot of difficulty finding a good location, because if I look in Indochina, there is nothing good, in Europe it’s the same thing. I also looked at the Azores, but nothing, as well as Canada, China, Japan and California.
I really don’t know what to do Maestro, mine is a difficult case, but it certainly isn’t like that for your program, at least I hope so, I hope you can help me in some way, thank you.
Dear Alessandro,
in fact the solution to this ASR of yours is not particularly difficult. I recommend Sittwe (Myanmar) where you will have Jupiter at 0° from the MC, Mars in the 11th, the AS in the fifth House and the super-stellium in the seventh House, but with the advantage of Venus exactly in the seventh/eighth House cusp (both Jupiter and Venus will be in cuspid).
I remind you that Active Astrology is based above all on two very important paradigms: the aimed birthday and the exorcising of symbols. This means that from today you have to start thinking about how to exorcise all that cluster in the seventh House, perhaps following the advice I wrote about this in my book “Active Astrology”, Mediterranean editions, Rome, 1998.
Thank you very much for finding the solution for me, I had looked in Indochina as I wrote, I think this location is very good. Already this evening I will buy the book you are recommending to me, we need to properly exorcise the stellium in the seventh house.
You were really kind and helpful, as I have always been told 🙂
Good morning Mr. Disciple,
I have only been getting into active astrology for a few months and, looking at my now exhausting solar revolution, I was left speechless about what has happened to me in life lately, which coincides with the analysis of it. My birthday is now approaching, between family and commitments I don’t know if I can organize a trip to reach the best place in the world. Staying at home I saw that the Sun remains between the 1st and 2nd house, a position that is not at all positive. At this point, in your opinion, if I were to go to Turin, would it be a better solution? The Sun would go into the 2nd house, certainly Pluto would go into the 6th, Saturn would act in both the 7th and 8th house. Going east, the situation would be more complicated, with the Sun in the 1st, then Mars going towards the 10th house. Could Pluto be a big problem, in your opinion?
I was born in Portogruaro on 09/12/1980 at 13:30, as written in municipal documents.
Buongiorno, Valentina.
Le posizioni che hai descritto, relativamente alla tua prossima ASR, non coincidono. Tuttavia, escludendo che tu sia disposta a viaggiare molto, ti consiglio, come battesimo di Active Astrology, un compleanno ad Amsterdam, Olanda, dove almeno non vai contro le 34 regole e dove ottieni, almeno, un Giove in cuspide settima/ottava Casa.
Best wishes.
Good evening Ciro, I’m Rosina, how are you? Me, I’m very confused and anxious: my birthday is coming and yet I dont’ know where to go…
The problem is health: I ended at the hospital last month because my hand broke in pieces through an accident: I had a bad surgery and doctors told me my hand will never be the same anymore.
You may think that Saturn is in X this year and yet no… Saturn is in the IV and the ASR is very good.
( I spent my last bitrhday in Dubai).
Unfortunately there were bad transits in July:
1. Uranus and Mars in the VI semisquare to Mars;
2. Jupiter in the VI square to the Sun;
We spoke together lots of times about transits and solar returns, yet I think that some transits are terrific and Uranus in the VI is one of them.
Such as you write in your book “Active Astrology” I would never like to deal with it in my entire life”.
I’m worried about the future because once again Uranus and Jupiter in the VI will form negative aspects from next September on and I think that most probably I’ll have serious health problems.
I dont’ know where to go:
1. ALTA (Norway)?
3. HAGATNA (Guam island)?
4. TONKERYS (70.55 E 51.19N)?
I actually dont know; Venus or Jupiter cannot be located in the I or in the VI in my next ASR, so would you please help me in searching the “less bad” ASR for health?
Thank you very much Ciro.
(born in Catanzaro on 06.09.1962 h.13.10; I spent my last ASR in Dubai)
Buongiorno, Rosina. Non entro nella tua provocazione di tentare di mettere i transiti in primo piano perché, in molte decine di miei libri, con migliaia di esempi, ho potuto dimostrare che i transiti non possono fare alcunché se non ricevono il permesso di SR’s e LR’s.
Venendo al tuo compleanno di quest’anno, ti consiglio di cercare la soluzione tra l’Australia ed Est Timor dove puoi mettere Urano in seconda Casa, Plutone al Medio Cielo e Venere in sesta Casa. Se non riuscirai a togliere Nettuno dalla dodicesima Casa, ciò non sarà un problema molto grosso perché – ricorda – che Nettuno sono le paure e non i fatti.
Buon compleanno.
Good evening Ciro, I don’t want to provoke, I just want to say that I have a very good ASR and yet my hand broke in pieces: I watch my ASR and cant’ find the reason for that…
Thank you for your advice regarding my next ASR, I’ll organize my travel…
Sorry Mr. Discepolo, but when translating the text from Italian to English, I saw that my date of birth has been changed!
I confirm that I was born on 12 September 1980 at 1.30pm in Portogruaro, what a fool I was!
OK, Valentina, I’m traveling today. If you want, tomorrow, rewrite your post as if it were the first time and enter all the data.
hello master what is the best revolution position to win at the game?
venus in 8 and jupiter in 5 or the opposite? or something else? thanks
The best position is not to play.
Good morning mister Discepolo,
I have only been approaching active astrology for a few months and, looking at my now exhausting solar revolution, I was left speechless by what has happened to me in my life lately, which coincides with its analysis. My birthday is approaching now, between family and commitments I don’t know if I will be able to organize a trip to reach the most beautiful place in the world. Staying at home I saw that the Sun remains between the 1st and 2nd House, a position that is not at all positive. At this point, do you think if I were to go to Turin would it be a better solution? The Sun would enter the second house, certainly Pluto would go into the sixth, Saturn would act in both the seventh and eighth houses. Going east, the situation would be more complicated, with the Sun in the 1st, then Mars heading towards the 10th house. Could Pluto be a big deal, do you think?
I was born in Portogruaro on 12 September 1980 at 1.30 pm, as shown by municipal documents.
Good morning, Valentina.
I still don’t quite get it: it seems to me that you have an AS at 6°13′ in Libra, at birth, and the SR is completely different from the one you describe. Try again.
Sorry Master
I have a Sagittarius ascendant in my birth chart, I was born in Portogruaro on 12 September 1980, at 1.30pm.
If I stay at home the Sun is between the 1st and 2nd houses, Venus between the 2nd and 3rd houses, Pluto between the 5th and 6th houses, Saturn in the 6th and Jupiter with Uranus go to the 10th house and finally the AS goes to the 9th house. In Turin the Sun goes to the II and Pluto to the VI house, Saturn between the VII and VIII. I do this reading using
Valentina, to avoid misunderstandings on how to enter the time, it is good to always indicate the degree of the Ascendant of birth. In your case, if you do not want to take a long trip, I recommend Djanet in Algeria where you can simultaneously get Venus in the second/third House cusp and Jupiter in the tenth/eleventh House cusp. If, however, your budget is unlimited, then you can find better. If you choose Algeria you will have to proceed very urgently for the visa which is not easy to obtain and I recommend you bring a book of mine in French where the “aimed birthday” is explained.
Best wishes.
A thousand thanks
Now I’ll try to organize the trip Maestro, you were very kind and sorry for my mistake!
Hi master
Do those who have a stellium or Mars in 6/12 in their birth chart get fewer rewards and benefits from targeted revolutions than those whose charts are like beautiful revolutions? Thanks
Mad, the benefit that we obtain from Aimed Solar Returns and Aimed Lunar Returns is, first of all, closely linked to our ability to reap the benefits. Many of us are blind or not very evolved to be able to read them. Others are able to do important work on themselves and manage to notice every improvement. Those who suffer a lot because, for example, they have a bad twelfth House of birth, are usually able to better recognize the advantages of Active Astrology. Active Astrology is not for everyone.
Good morning Maestro
I celebrated my birthday in Dawson City, as per your suggestion and, since the first issue is work, this current one expires on September 6th and, as you know, I have big structural difficulties, even if they were to renew it I am hesitant, I do not feel comfortable in the tasks to be carried out unfortunately, I have too many difficulties.
In the meantime I have had contacts for another interesting job opportunity. In the current RL Neptune and Saturn are in the VI house and speak openly about my practical and psychological situation.
From September 16th in the VI house I will have the Sun and Mercury, while Venus will be the cusp between the VI/VII house; do you think I will risk it, leaving this job and accepting the next offer, which would start with the current RL?
Born in Tempio Pausania on August 26, 1980 at 09:30 in the morning, last RSM Dawson City, Canada, the lunar ones are in Bologna.
Dear A.P.,
there are many variables to consider and I don’t know them. However, what you tell me about your next LR leads me to think that things will improve a lot after it is up and running…
Best wishes.
Hi master Ciro!
I know,by the reading of your books,that you use the angular aspects to the cusps of mc-dc-ic-ac even in the transit’s reading,like the planet acting in the house;
Do you use this technique with the other cusps?for ex:a mercury in semisquare with the 12th house cusp?i mean in all cases from transits to natal chart interpretation..
Good evening!
No, I don’t use that.
..another thing
Why you not consider anymore Saturn in 1-6-12 harmless anymore?
And i remember once you said that a well built/healty person can handle sixth house positions,obviously not mars+uranus or Saturn n.d.a,have you changed your point of view even on this?sorry if i have mistaken your quote,maybe you talked about rl..
I never thought that Saturn was harmless in the first, sixth, or twelfth House. Maybe you misread. It would be better if, when you quote a passage from one of my books, you indicate the title of the book, its edition, and page. It is easy, in fact, that trying to remember after many years, one can make errors in citation.
Ok so we need a 35# rule who says that because of the today’s world situation we must avoid Saturn-Uranus-Neptune in the 1-6-12 house
I choose to put Saturn in the sixth house of my last rsm because a combination of an 8th house ascendant with Saturn+neptune in 4th house was deletery for my purposes..and because i need money i put Jupiter in 8th house,obviously i near broken my ankle and other health issues but that’s are..
No, this is your arbitrary and incorrect deduction: when you write a manual for reading ASRs, you can insert, with your signature, this rule. Rule #35 could be the one I described in the third Italian edition of “Transiti e Rivoluzioni Solari”, but even though it is mine and even though it is the first rule I thought of 54 years ago, I have never dismissed it because I am not sure that it is right…
You have explained why you decided to do it this way: good, best wishes, even if you want to repeat this experience.
what is the relationship between the solar revolution and the lunar one in a month in which the RL is very different? does only the RL count? Thanks master
This is explained, in detail, through 20 rules, in my book which in Italian is called “Rivoluzioni Lunari e Rivoluzioni Terrestri”.
Dear Maestro Discepolo, I will spend my birthday in Jauja, Perù on the 30 of September 2024. Still booked only two go as I still have not the money to come
back. I have found this destination by myself for many reasons and I am scared cause I am finishing the money I have saved and still have no income. My business partner have a bad RS in about business but he is waiting a certain quantity of money to pay me. It would had been raised in this RS of mine., in this in course. The last birthday ( 2023 ) I was in Jiquilisco in El Salvador. I have put Venus cuspid between 7 and 8 house. The money would have to come back to me at the end of September 2024 or in the first days of October. I was hoping in September 2024, for this reason I went to Jiquilisco. This year in course , with Saturn in 2 I started to cut me expenses and be more careful. I had some health issues that blocked my ability to rent rooms or work. I was blocked even in the care of my home . The question is : in the next RS , in Jauja, would I finish in total economical trouble and in a nightmare with Jupiter in 2 and the RS Ascendent in 2 radix ?.
I was born in Conegliano (TV) Italy on the 30 September 1977. At 16:53.
Dear Irene,
if your birth data are those you indicated here, then in Jiquilisco you did not put Venus on the cusp, but you only made it fall in the seventh House (try to do the calculations with MyAstral and you will see that in that city Venus is not drawn with the color green, as it happens, instead, when you intercept a cusp. To put it on the cusp you should have gone further west).
In this situation, having placed Saturn and Neptune in the second House and not having put Venus in the eighth, your economic situation has worsened.
In the next ASR for Jauja, I do not believe that you have pursued the goal of an economic improvement because both the AS and Jupiter in the second House are bistable and could further worsen your economic situation. However, you have predicted a magnificent Venus exactly on the Descendant and this seems like an excellent choice to me. Maybe you can take advantage of the values of the second House to have greater visibility.
Best wishes.
thanks I just found the indicated book online.
Master what is the best revolution position to signal a victory in a sports competition? Thanks
They are different because a sports victory can bring you success, money, work, but also a boyfriend.
Hi mister Discepolo,
Is an ascendant in the 10th house of a lunar return potentially dangerous like in a solar return of a year whit bad transit?if not is pleasurable to put this element in an aimed lunar return with the surplus of Venus in the same house?
Goo evening sir
Hi Lino,
in the third Italian edition of my book “Transiti e Rivoluzioni Solari” I returned to this topic, at the request of the Readers, and I dedicated other pages to it again. In the Lunar Return the meanings are toned down compared to the Solar Return. I advise you to follow what I have recently added.
Ok i think i can risk this..because an hard aspect of Saturn on my. Natal mars will end the day of the return and i think im fine,i want to do this because i cant in a sr because i have the sun in tenth natally,11th but near the cusp, and i cant do it without put a sun in 1th;
Last thing..i had put Saturn in my sixth house of my last rsm because i preferred this in contrast of the other rsm with ascendant in 8th now i realize that all my aimed solar return had:Neptune in 6th,Saturn in 1th and this time in sixth so i never experienced a very good excited when this moment will come!
Greetings sir