The Erba Massacre, Astrology & Criminology 18, by Ciro Discepolo and Daniela Discepolo Boscotrecase:
Over two hours of recording relating to the massacre in the small town near Lake Como, a massacre which took place on 11 December 2006 and for which the spouses Olindo Romano and Rosa Bazzi were sentenced to life imprisonment. Today we are calling for a review of that trial, but here we explain all the reasons why the authors of this YouTube, in Italian and with English subtitles, say they are absolutely against the idea of a new trial.
Hi Ciro
Regarding your video where you talk about Angela Celentano, I didn’t understand why you say that the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in the 11th makes one think that she is not alive (I know it is a house of death)
Madda, it’s difficult to give you a summary of over 150 books published in eight languages. Read at least one of my books entirely dedicated to the topic of “Astrology & Criminology”: “Delitti & Delitti” and there you will find many useful indications on this topic.
Hi Ciro, I would like to ask you if you have made any new discoveries about revolutions that have not yet been published
Hello, Madda. If by publishing you mean just printing books, then there are discoveries I’ve made that I haven’t yet incorporated into new books. But among publications I also mean what I write every day on blogs, on social media and what I publish through YouTube.
Good morning dear Master
as I wrote to you privately, I found a job here in Bologna at the beginning of the month, the city to which I returned last April, after two years of absence. I wanted to ask you if in your opinion spending the targeted birthday in Recife is an excellent idea, given that I would like to protect the work situation in general, because it is not certain that I will be able to continue this current adventure. Overall it seems like a good birthday to me, Saturn in the 12th house is not the end of the world after all. Born in Tempio Pausania on 26 August 1980, at 9.30 in the morning. Thank you in case you would like to answer me, kindly, A. P.
Dear A.P., absolutely not.
You cannot go all the way to Brazil, with a very expensive and tiring journey, to place both Neptune and Saturn in the twelfth House. If you don’t feel like planning a demanding budget, then get already Tarfaya, Morocco, which I wouldn’t choose for myself, but that is a hundred times less harmful as a solution. Happy Birthday.
Dear Master
therefore according to you Pluto in the MC could be of help to me in the work sector, like a Venus in VI that I would find in Recife. From what I understand this position could do nothing against the Saturn/Neptune axis in XII? Be that as it may, is there perhaps a better solution to the Moroccan resort? If so I would save the penny to get there!
Dear A.P.,
if it were my ASR, I would choose Dawson City, Yukon, international YDA airport.
Best wishes again!
Thank you so much Master!
Mars in VII is like having the ascendant or Stellium in VII house?
I have just noticed, dear Maestro, that, a site I use for locations, shows me a city of the same name and therefore I really think that Martha could be with Jupiter in VIII and Venus glued to the MC. You therefore get a different card than the one I had examined before.
A.P. your message is not understood: I advise you, in the future, to include everything you ask in the same message because the Reader cannot search the past to follow up on your questions from previous days.
Thank you dear Master.
I will try to have your book translated into French so that I can learn the rules of lunar returns.
My astral indicates Rajkotgujarat (India) for my next RS in February 2025 so I will have to add a Lunar Revolution but where?
Thank you for your help.
Dear Juliette,
I do not advise you to go to Rajkot, Gujarat, India, to spend your next birthday because it is true that you would again place an excellent tight Jupiter in the Ascendant, but you would also place Uranus in the twelfth House which is even worse than Uranus in the first House and you would also add Saturn in the tenth which would make the situation worse. Try to search better and then, if you want, write here which of the 13 ASR’s you would like to change.
Happy Birthday.
Ciro Discepolo
I had enter the location it indicated to me. I would have Venus in the MC, Jupiter cusp VII/VIII, Ascendant in II and Sun in IX. Uranus in VII will give some shocks 🙂
I hope you haven’t made any errors in your assessment Maestro, if you see that this isn’t the case, tell me, there are no problems.
A.P. Read my previous answer and remember that your entire question needs to be in one post, with your complete birth details and without referring to previous post exchanges.
Dear Master
forgive me, the Canadian location you indicated to me is now included in the website, where I calculate the targeted solar revolutions. So I understood perfectly which planets I will need and I think that your indication is very correct (the opposite is impossible). So my data is these to have a year in which the work sector will be privileged: born on August 26, 1980 at 9:30 in the morning, place to spend the birthday: Dawson City, Yukon, international YDA
Thanks again!
Well, dear A.P., I hug you!
Dear Cyrus,
I would like to ask your opinion about the 8th house and its bistable effect, which you have discovered. According to your vast experience, with a good asr, when there are octave values (especially jupiter and/or venus), is it worth trying at the gamble (always remaining cautious, of course) ? Maybe even looking at a lunar month that has 2a/5a/8a/10a values ? or if the person plays the octave values would show up as a waste of money ?
If I understand correctly, one must be predisposed at birth for winnings (even minimal)…thanks for your attention
Translated with (free version)
Dear Margherita, the only way to win at gambling is to never play. The house always wins.
Dear Ciro,
This means that if we have good asr 8th house, it’ll work on its own?
Dear Margherita, this means that all the lucky players I have known in my life have sometimes managed to win, but in the overall balance of their entire lives they have always lost. A lot.
Hi master. I have a question, in group tragedies (groups of friends for example) do they all have bad revolutions? do you have any cases?
Of course, it couldn’t be otherwise. In my books you find examples of hundreds of entire family groups that are affected by the same tragedy. For example, in the case of Erika De Nardo and Omar Favaro who killed Erika’s mother and little brother, the various ASR’s are described in detail in my book “Delitti&Delitti”. The same happens for the deaths described in my text “Nuovo Trattato di Astrologia” and in many of my other books. But there are many other cases in which, for example, in a plane crash, only one person is saved: I don’t have these birth details, but I have no doubts about what I would find if I did.
thank you master
my doubt concerns the possibility that bad revolutions are “contagious” in crowds of people, I remember the case of the deaths on the bus in Mestre or other tragedies where many people die together, is it possible that they all have a bad revolution at same level?
Well, mathematics is not an opinion: if thirty people, out of a million people living in that area, die together in an accident, it is already proof that a few people have come together in a single project who had very bad astral positions, at the same time. In fact, do you remember anything similar that happened in Venice in recent centuries?
Dear Master,
I was born 21 february 1959
07 h 40 Sorgues France.
I went to Koror( Palaos )for RS 2024
Jupiter and Venus are well placed . yet yesterday I went to the hospital emergency room because suddenly a vein was blocked in my neck. I returned home with anticoagulant treatment.
Thank you very much for your answer.
Dominique Juliette
Dear Juliette,
post your writing again and indicate where you were, precisely, on the last 13th May.
Good day,
Ciro Discepolo
Dear Master,
I was born on february 21st 1959
07 h 40 Sorgues France.
On the 21st of february 2024, I was at Koror (Palaos) for RS 2024.
Jupiter and Venus were well situated in my birth chart. Howewer, yesterday I went to the hospital emergency room because, suddenly, a vein was obstructed in my neck. I returned to home with anticoagulant treatment.
Could you explain to me what’s happened ?
In responding to your answer, on the 13th of may, I was at home, in Uchaux 84 France.
Thank you very much for your answer.
Dominique Juliette
Dear Juliette,
the protection that we manage to activate with ASR’s and ALR’s is not absolute, but relative. For example, in your case, you have placed a Jupiter very close to the Ascendant of SR and this represents a strong protection for health, but, at the same time, you have left Uranus in the first House, not very far from the Ascendant and Uranus in the first House it is quite dangerous for health, in particular for possible pathologies related to blood circulation.
Otherwise, if we had managed, perhaps using white ink, to erase your Uranus from the first House, you would not have experienced any serious health problems.
Then we come to the topic of ALR’s: in your opinion, why do my wife and I go on 14 astrological trips a year? 14 me and 14 my wife? Because I wish, as long as I have the strength, to add new books with proofs and demonstrations of what I have already left written in over 150 books.
I repeat once again that, in the vast majority of cases, it is not necessary to leave every month for a Lunar Return, but in your case, in your last Lunar Return, you left three celestial bodies, including the Sun, in the sixth House of Lunar Return and this represents 2 serious violations of the 34 rules. If, then, you add that Mars in the fourth House, as per the manual (that of Discepolo) often means “hospitalizations”, then the picture is very clear.
However, we note that despite this, Jupiter close to the AS has protected you a lot.
Therefore, in my many books on ALR’s I have advised in which cases it is best to add one or more ALR’s to the targeted birthday and I have summarized this in 20 rules that I believe should be studied carefully. And, in this case, if it had been my sky, I would certainly have moved.
As you may have read, yesterday or the day before, another astrology sympathizer asked me for advice. I gave her some advice and then she replied that, not being able to make long trips, she will still place Saturn in her sixth House of SR. You will see that in a few months she will write to complain about this choice: but what can we do?
Finally, I would like to remember a question that a friend of mine asked me at the dawn of my discoveries: “Ciro, but then, do we always have to run away?” and I replied: “But, if by “running away” your life improves, why not “running away”?
Hanri Laborit, “In Praise of Escape.”
Hello Master
I was born on September 7, 1959 in Paris France and I don’t know if I should choose to go to Ponta Delgada Azores or Jasper Alberta for my next RS in September 2024
I would like to protect the health of my sick wife.
Thank you so much
Hello, Michel. If you want, post your question again and also write the time you were born.
Hello Master,
Excuse me, I forgeted my birth hour.
I was born on September 7, 1959 in Paris France at 12 h 30 and I don’t know if I should choose to go to Ponta Delgada Azores or Jasper Alberta for my next RS in September 2024
I would like to protect the health of my sick wife.
Thank you so much
Good morning, Michel. The locations you propose don’t seem particularly advantageous to me. You could go to:
However, pay attention to two points in particular:
1) If your birth time is not precise and if you were to lose both the cusp of Jupiter and that of Venus, especially if you were to lose the cusp of Venus in the fifth House), such a move would not be useful for your purpose.
2) Remember that for the target you declare, it is more important, much more important, where your wife will spend her birthday and not you, to the extent of 90% versus 10%.
Happy Birthday.
And also pay close attention to your health if you place Uranus very close to the Ascendant.
Ciro Discepolo
Thank you very much for your answer quickly and your help.
Have a good day!
Dear Ciro,
As usual I’m always particularly inspired by this blog. Everytime, I read your answers , I have another question for you. Hope this won’t bother you.
Generally speaking, let’s say we have a subject, whose natal chart has good placements (Venus or Jupiter cong asc or MC for example). This person should be, if I understand well, quite lucky, or at least ‘protected’.
Do you think that this position prevents this person from bad sr (for example, being in the right place during his birthday)?If this person has bad sr, during a long period, what about the realization of this good placements in his/her chart?
thank you
Good morning, Margherita. I think your question is more of a philosophical nature than an astrological one. Those who are very very lucky, for example having a Jupiter close to the Ascendant at birth, and do not go on aimed birthdays, will be able to get by very well by using the misfortunes of those close to them as a “shield” for themselves. But things cannot always go on like this and then he (or she) will also have to pay very high costs.
I’ll join in the discussion, I know a lucky person who doesn’t have targeted birthdays, he has Jupiter in the 4th in his birth chart, is it another very lucky position like Jupiter in the 10th which makes him use other people’s misfortunes as a shield? Thanks Ciro
The little data you report does not allow us to analyze the situation to establish, above all, whether we are referring to objective data or suggestions.
Good morning Ciro, I’m Rosina, how are you? I hope that you, Daniela and your family are doing well.
In these days I should buy the flights for my next ASR destination: ASTANA.
But… looking better at the chart, I see that Pluto is too close to 12^ House and my birth time is not exact: it goes in my opinion from 13.07 to 13.10 and these three minutes could make a huge difference.
So I ask you a great favour: where should I go to avoid putting Pluto on the cusp the 1^/12^ and Neptune on the cusp 1^/2^in these three minutes? Most of all: they could generate a dangerous stellium in the 1^ (together with Saturn).
I ask your help as always.
Many thanks from Rosina
P.s.: I spend my last ASR in Dubai. I was born in Lamezia Terme on 06.09.1962 at 13.10
Rosina, you don’t need to hypothesize a different time to notice that this is not good: Pluto is already on the 1/12 cusp and is quite heavy. I advise you to work with MyAstral by zooming in on the map around Astana, but also including Russia, and search if there is something you like. But don’t neglect the “tutor” function of MyAstral which is very important: after you have chosen the destination, have MyAstral do many automatic searches and, if you do not find this location in any search, then this means that you are about to violate one of the 34 rules .
Thank you so much Ciro. I’m sorry for the unforgivable distraction, obviously I meant “bistable” Jupiter, not Mars. I hope that, if she will go to Reykjavik, the two planets present on the cusp of the eighth house could be ‘discharged’ by purchasing a new apartment.
Kind regards
Dear Ciro, I trust this note finds you well. I am writing you because it is unlikely that I would be able to make it to Tonga for my RSM next month. The RSM in Italy, with the Sun in XII house, is a bad one but, unfortunately, I can’t afford such an expensive trip!! So I was wondering what would you think about Bilbao in Spain. That wouldn’t certainly be an optimal solution but it would allow me to put Jupiter on the XII cusp and Venus on the II cusp. At this stage I am simply trying to limit the damages and maybe Jupiter on the XII cusp could do the trick. Thanks in advance
Andrea born in Piacenza (Italy) on 17/7/71 at 10.50am
Dear Andrea, the ASR that you propose is impossible because three stars between the 12th and the first House are a serious violation of the 34 rules. Saturn close to the MC is also very bad. If you propose something in line with the rules of this school, I will be happy to advise you.
Ciro, thanks a lot for looking at it. I remember studying this ASR a while ago, it was a puzzle difficult to solve. I looked at several locations Astana, Fukuoka, Sorong … the list goes on. Tonga was the best solution but the trip is very expensive. I guess I would have to stay in Piacenza and deal with the Sun in the XII house then.
Andrea, I practice Active Astrology and not Passive Astrology and therefore I do not accept this argument. I am willing to advise you, but you must ask me for recommendations on locations that do not conflict with the 34 rules.
Ciro, unfortunately my budget is constrained and Tonga would be a stretch for my tight finances (to say the least). I can afford a relocation reachable with a low-cost airline but I can’t find anything that would be of any help, I was hoping that placing Jupiter in XII could be a safeguard within my reach. If you have a recommendation I am all ears
Andrea, in your place, I would go to Fort Franklin, Northwest Territories, Canada, where I already went once for my birthday, and I would put Jupiter on the cusp between the fifth and sixth House, as well as a good stellium in the seventh House.
Andrea, it is not easy at all to study seriously, as you’ll do an ASRs… Yet, you’ll have to find a way to leave, as Ciro says, and many of us do.
The ASR is an investment for life, and it will repay you, at many levels.
Thanks a lot I’ll see what I can do
Dear Ciro,
I’m writing to ask you for advice on an RSM for a dear friend of mine. I would have found her a location that has Mars on the cusp between the 8th and 9th and the ascendant in the 4th house. I don’t really like the location of Mars, but traveling to Barbados or Saint John’s is no small trip. Given that he will have to receive a certain sum of money at the beginning of 2025 (also in relation to the sale of a house), I therefore hope that the effect of the Mars revolution will be expressed on an economic level. But what do you think?
Thanks a lot.
A greeting and a hug
Maria Stella
Thank you very much dear Ciro. I was thinking of Reykjavik when I wrote to you yesterday. What do you think about this location? Can it be good despite the bistable effect of Jupiter on the cusp of the 8th House?
Thanks again!
Maria Stella
No, Maria Stella, if Mars is in the eighth House cusp, there is no bistable effect, but a certain negative effect on money. For such an important financial operation, I believe it is worth going to Gisborne.
Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to write her date of birth. Stefania born on 12/25/1956 at 7:20 pm, in Manciano (GR).
Maria Stella
Dear Maria Stella,
with your friend’s birth data I cannot find the positions that you write here: Mars is in the ninth House, but it is very far from the 8/9 cusp. I remind you, in any case, that Jupiter in the 8th and the Sun in the 2nd can have a bistable effect and Saturn in the fourth House could make the House sale effect disappear. Also consider the Gisborne option where Venus and Pluto in the 8th certainly mean incoming money. Mars in the 2nd, in this case, is not worrying because it can mean “a lot of expenses after a period of economic hardship”. Best wishes.
Dear Ciro,
I’m planning my next ASR for 2025. I would like to have your opinion, which is very important (Naples, 20/01/1989, 7:34 pm). I think I have essentially two kind of options
Amsterdam or Saint Andrews (Scotland) : 10th house ascendant, but in St Andrews the conjunction Sun /Pluto would be at MC. Could that be relevant?
Edmonton (Alberta) : Jupiter at DC –> good for work/health
For the time being, the thing that should definitely happen next year is the delivery of a manuscript that would conclude a long journey, of which moreover I am tired and which has given me the desire to change a few things in my life (could Jupiter in asc be seen as a liberation from what has become a captivity for me ?). I have no great expectations, except to contain, to the extent possible, the transits that have already manifested this year causing me impatience : pluto on the sun and uranus at midheaven, my life is changing and that’s ok for me. Do you think asr with tenth values will work in this case? or would it be better to remain cautious and go for Edmonton? Thank you, Ciro, I trust only you.
Margherita, I strongly advise you against placing Uranus in the 12th House in your next Aimed Solar Return. The sky in Edmonton, Alberta, is much better.
Best wishes.
P.S. Transits are worth almost zero, if you read the ASR’s together with the ALR’s.
Thank you, Ciro, I’ll go to Edmonton, then
Just a question in order to understand well : so you think Uranus in the twelth house could damage the 10th house values in the first ASR?
If I understand well, Uranus alone in the 12th is not against the 34 rules ? So is the combination of both, that can be harmful?
Thank you
No, Uranus in the 12th House is dangerous for your health, above all. Today the health situation in the world has worsened and I believe that we must try to increase the defenses in our favor.
Thank you, Ciro
I also wanted to ask you one more thing if I may. I am supposed to be in Bødo, European Capital of Culture 2024, with friends, checking the lunar on August 29, I noticed that ac and ic are almost perfectly conjoined. So I’m wondering.
1. mars is in the 4th house : does that mean it will also act in the 1st house? Applying the rule of 2.5 degrees, if I understand it correctly, I would say no, should IC act as a boundary with ac ?
2. For the same reason, could Jupiter also act in the 2nd and 3rd houses?
I’m sorry but this has never occurred to me, thank you if you would enlighten me on the matter
No, Margherita: the rule is that you should never accept a location if it produces Houses less than 6-7 degrees wide.
That’s very interesting.
Ciro, forgive me I didn’t know this rule. But so in this case what would be the consequences, would Mars go to the first house? Would the lr be totally out of whack?
The consequences would be that we would move from Astrology to science fiction: where there are no Houses, we can say everything and even the opposite of everything.